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On Ice Training Will Be Highlighted By


It’s the little things that make the difference as players climb the ladder in their development. Our team of professionals focus on the details that allow our athletes to suceed within the team systems. We provide the framework and progressions that allow team members to understand the details of their game, and lead to overall team success.


As team members careers progress and advance, the individual skill demands vary as they progress both from a team standpoint and individually. We take on a progressive approach from a team standpoint working with team coaches to develop seasonal skill plans based on the systematic framework and character of their team. 


Our team of professionals focuses on instilling habits in our athletes that will lead them to the next level. Individual skills development happens with a focus on small, incremental, and focused practice daily. Through individual skill plans provided for pre and post practice, we instill the habits for our players to take the lead on their individual development as they move forward in their career. 


Earn Your Stripes


Our focus at RINK Player Development is to provide each athlete with the tools they need to better themselves both on and off the ice. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each player and the goals they wish to achieve throughout the year, help our RINK Professionals develop the optimal season plan.

Within the RHA Program, each team will have their own designated skills coach who will work with the players and coaches throughout the year. By offering a variety of different options, such as position specific sessions, before and after practice position, individual option days, and skill sessions built into team practices. Along with video breakdown of practices and games, this 360-degree model best helps to develop a better athlete and prepares each player for the next level.


At RINK Goalie Development we focus on an individualized approach to each goaltenders development. Our goal is to improve each goalie’s game by building on their strengths, and helping to strengthen their weaknesses within their own personal style.

Within the RHA program, you will see the most comprehensive version of what RINK Goalie Development has to offer. Each team will have their own personal goalie coach, which allows for a great relationship between coach and athlete as we look to be mentors to the goalies we work with. It also allows the coach to analyze the goalies game at the most detailed level. Along with regular 1v1 training sessions, our coaches will have the ability to work on each goalies game through watching live games, practices, and video analysis. We will focus on developing your game through technical skills with an emphasis on position specific movement.


Off Ice Training Will Be Highlighted By.


Utilizing Kinduct, our athlete management software, we have the ability to obtain internal load data from athletes on metrics such as mood, energy, sleep duration, sleep quality and level of exertion for off-ice & on-ice training sessions. 

This questionnaire comes via an automated text message. The purpose of collecting this data is to better understand how external loading (such as on-ice & off-ice training, school, life stress) is impacting the individual athlete. Once this data is collected, we analyze and organize the data into reports so our coaching staff, skill coaches and performance coaches can make adjustments to programming to ensure stress is being managed and applied effectively to ensure individual improvement.


Intake and assessment is a major part of the Testify process. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each individual athlete is an important first step in building an integrated hockey training plan. Our profiling system is a statistically weighted system that includes numerous on-ice and off-ice performance tests. The results from these assessments are compared to our large database of performance test results to identify where the individual ranks among their peers in qualities such as speed, change of direction, power, strength and fitness. This profile is then analyzed & discussed with all the people involved in that player’s development (tactical coaches, skill coaches and performance coaches) and an integrated training plan is developed.


This area involves numerous pieces of technology and high quality equipment that are unique to our program. The combination of TechnoGym and Keiser training & testing equipment along with our athlete management software, Kinduct, puts us in a great position to ensure that key performance indicators (KPI) related to success in the sport of hockey are improving. Rather than testing at prescribed intervals, we implement a system of ongoing KPI collection to enable performance coaches to gauge improvement, manipulate training variables and shift program emphasis pending measurement results.


Testify Performance is fortunate to have a multi-disciplinary staff that possesses a wide-range of expertise and education backgrounds. Practitioners such as Chiropractors, Athletic Therapists, Physiotherapists, Naturopathic Doctor, Performance Coaches and Yoga instructors provide a wealth of information and skills that will help our athletes perform at their highest level. Weekly recovery sessions include yoga, breathing & meditation workshops, active recovery work and durability work. All sessions take into account the unique postural and movement demands of the sport of hockey along with the uniqueness of our student-athletes schedule & situation.


Prove Yourself


The RINK Testify Performance team have a wealth of knowledge and experience that they bring to our clients. Each and everyday they drive athletic accomplishment, via data-driven programming and create the link with our coaches allowing our athletes to reach their on and off-ice goals.


What You Will Use In The Gym

Metric-Based Exercise Machines
Metre 2 Lane Track
Sqft Multi Purpose Studio
Sqft Gym Facility


The RINK Training Centre is the home to four RINK Hockey Academy teams. The RINK Training Centre’s brand-new, 95,000 sq. ft facility is one of the best fully-integrated hockey training facilities in Canada. They are able to provide the most innovative and professionally run programs, for all ages and abilities of student athletes. As a student athlete, you have a suite of services available to you to fit your needs and help you meet your goals. Available at your disposal are our Player and Goalie Development teams, our RINK Testify Performance Trainers and Therapists, RINK Hockey Academy Coaching Staff and much more.


The 95,000 sq ft facility features 3 ice surfaces including and NHL-size rink that can accommodate 700 spectators, as well as two custom-sized ice sheets. One specifically for goalies and the other, a custom sized training sheet, which the RINK has become known for. The facility also features a world-class off-ice training centre with both a gym and clinics as well as a retail outlet for clothing, equipment and skate and nutrition-related services.

RINK Training Centre

Located in Winnipeg, MB